Saturday, September 6, 2008

A good time was had by all

Last night my cousin Heather got married. Their original wedding date was set for a Saturday in October but Xavier (the groom) is in the Air Force and got deployment orders for Iraq a couple of weeks ago. In true Ferguson fashion, Aunt Donna, Heather, and Katie pulled everything together and moved the wedding date up 6 weeks. Since it became a Friday night wedding with a late starting reception, we decided it best to leave the kids at home and enjoy some much needed adult time....though today I felt like a child. Apparently giving myself the permission to be irresponsible (no kids and we had a DD) was my first mistake. Note to self....not 21 anymore. We had a ball with all the cousins and friends we enjoyed childhood with. At the reception, we had lots of pitchers, lots of laughs, lots of memories, and lots of dancing (or something that resembled dancing). Since the "night was still young" we decided to continue our reunion tour at a local bar...and stay for last call. I think it is safe to day that my days of keg beer and last calls are over...for now.
Mark and I as "grown ups"

The Lewli's

Katie, Mandy, Allie, Kristen, Heather, Jamie, and Beth

Allie, Mandy and Kate...a few sheets to the wind

The guys feeling gooooood
I think it is safe to say a good time was had by all. We wish Heather and Xavier a long and wonderful life together.
Prayers to Xavier. Be safe and God speed.


Kate said...

we had so much fun!!!!!!!

Kate said...

Cara lives near GR, heather is moving back to GR when she is done in S. Carolina at the end of the month. :)